Hello guys,
I am not going to start this post defining values from the dictionary point of view. I'm just going to tell you that values are what make up a person (Not biologically ofcourse ), but they are what cause you to act and react, they cause you to make every decision you've ever made, they cause you to think the way you do. Just like the foundation to a building, your values hold you in place. If you have values that at shaky, your life will be pretty shaky too.
Our teenage years I would say, are the most important years of our lives (simply my opinion). During these years we get to decide, what we want to be, how we want to be. Most of the self discovery periods, happen during your teen years. Which is why, your values have to be strong from those years. My parents, God bless them, have taught me many values, and as I have grown through the years these values have stuck with me. Gone are the days when my parents make most of my decisions for me. However, it is with those values that they have taught me that I have made the decisions I have made. I will not lie to you, and say I have always listened to them. But I will tell you that I have gotten into a lot of trouble because I dumped my values and chose to make silly decisions which I regret till today. I'm 17 now, wiser than I was at 13. Now I know that you have values for a reason.
I have used these past few months to sort of re-invent myself. I have actually sat down to list out my values and why they are important. I sat down to ask myself, what makes Oluwafayokunmi Adenuga, Oluwafayokunmi Adenuga? And those questions have been answered to some extent.
It is important you ask yourselves these questions, because then, you will always stand for what you believe. When you know your values and value them lol, you cannot be shaken easily by peer pressure. When you know what makes you, you, what anybody says won't matter. That low self esteem will leave faster than flash. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. When you answer those questions, nobody will be able to force you to do anything when it doesn't go down well with you. Oh and you get into less trouble lol. You become proud of who you were made to be. A masterpiece.
So ask yourself those questions and answer them honestly. While doing this, do not think about any other person but yourself. It is okay to have role models but do not live your life copying another person's lifestyle. Think about only yourself during this thought process, and I promise you when you've answered those questions honestly, your view on life starts to change and you become your own person who you will be proud of.
I hope this helped someone. Much love - Fayo x
- 07:52:00