Feature: Jinmi Abduls


Hi Anomalies!
Hope you all had a great week. Today's post is another feature, you can check out our first feature here. We've decided to do 'Features' on the blog more often and mostly with young Nigerians who we find very inspiring. Today's feature is with singer and songwriter, Jinmi Abduls. Enjoy!

Tell us about yourself 
I am Oluwafeyijinmi Folarin Abdulsalami, I'm an 18 year old singer and songwriter. I attended Chrisland Primary School, VGC and then Pinefield Montessori School, Lekki. I had my secondary education at Whitesands, Lekki. Right now,  I'm an International Law student and a full time performing and recording artist. 

You're a singer, who or what inspired you to become one?
Hmm basically it's something I've been into since childhood. I grew up around so many musical instruments and I kept trying my hands on each one and teaching myself to play them...my big sister helped too she's an instrumentalist too ... Anyways in the quest to explore more and more instruments I eventually felt I should try the only in built musical instrument a human being can have and in August 2008 I recorded my first ever song, produced by my brother (Versebeats) who had also just started experimenting making beats haha. That was how it all started. But right now, the inspiration though I'm not so big yet is the love and support I get from friends, fans and family. It pushes me to do better.

Was recording your first song easy? Or did you have a few difficulties?
Hahahah it was very difficult. I remember we recorded our first few songs on an almost broken laptop, with a one eared earpiece and the in built microphone on the laptop so I had to bend my face down beside the keyboard to record those first songs. Gradually stuff started falling in place. We started buying small equipment from selling sweets and stuff at school and that's how we grew along the years.

Do you have the support of your family and friends?
Yes I do! I really do and it keeps me going.  They pray for me, introduce me to people that can help. Commend and criticize my music constructively and all that. They're really supporting.

Is it difficult being a young musician? What challenges have you personally faced and have you been able to overcome them?
Hmmm I've faced a couple of challenges over the years. First, there's the issue of people not believing in you and that can be or rather it is really discouraging and makes 96% of talented artists quit before being discovered or "blowing" and I was no different. Friends back in high school used to laugh at my rubbish music back then and insult me and all the little girls I used to chase back then too. But gradually everyone's coming around now and beginning to believe in the dream and potentials. Also there's lack of funds because no one is going to give you money to run your music (which is actually very expensive to run) so you have to settle for low quality at first or poor promotion etc meanwhile you've thrown all your savings into it. But that's also sorted out now because I just simply invest money from my shows, features and song writing contracts back into my music so it's not so bad anymore. Finally there's the issue of school and timing but I've learnt to balance my academics and my music career very well and I'm doing extremely well at school and still balancing my career. I guess it's God helping me get rid of these challenges to be honest.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? Still doing music?
Well I'll be running my businesses on the side. I really believe in Entrepreneurship and getting good education. I plan to get two degrees and invest in as many businesses possible, not just for myself but for people in society too. But basically I guess I just have to take each day as it goes and by the grace of God, I and all of us would be proud of where I'll be in 10 years.

If you could go back to when your first started is there anything you would have done differently?
Hmmm honestly nothing. I guess every experience contributed to where I am today and what I'm becoming.

Finally any advice you'd like to give us about following your dreams?
Yes! We need 4 things in life to make any dream a reality. 1. The passion for whatever it is 2. Hardwork 3. Perseverance;  Rome wasn't built in a day. But none of these 3 can work without the most important which is God. Involve Him in everything you do and have a relationship with Him and you can't go wrong.

Thank you Jinmi for sharing with us!!
P.S - Jinmi has a new song called 'Pose' coming out very soon! Be sure to check it out.

You can leave your comments and questions below or send us an email at anoamliesfat@gmail.com. 

Have a lovely week everyone - F.A.T xx

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